Labor Day Home Decor Sales: What to Get

blue front porch decor
I'm sharing my best shopping tips for Labor Day home decor sales so you know what to get and enjoy year round!

Any seasonal sale can be overwhelming. You feel like you’re up against a literal ticking clock (ah, effective marketing) so it can be easy to hit “add to cart” on everything you want. But wait! We want you to make mindful choices on things you will enjoy for more than one season. So let’s talk about what to search for within the Labor Day home decor sales arena. 

Labor Day Home Decor Sales: What to Get

This advice is coming from an interior designer who deliberately schedules client furniture purchases around seasonal sales. So I know the ins and outs and how to navigate these Labor Day home decor sales!

1. Outdoor rugs

jute rug

Apartment Therapy | Emily Billings

I wrote all about how outdoor rugs can be used indoors. These rugs are hard wearing and stain resistant, so they make a great choice in a kitchen, kid’s room, and entry. They are also UV resistant, so you don’t need to worry about them fading. Easy care? You betcha– and many of them are machine washable! 

Don’t give me that look. I’m serious! Outdoor rugs have come a long way in comfort and no one will ever know. 

Pro tip: Go for jute or a striped/minimal pattern option.

2. Colorful place settings

vintage floral plates


Somewhere along the line, we universally decided to reserve color only for summer. For fellow color lovers like myself, THIS IS YOUR MOMENT. Look for placemats, cloth napkins, napkin rings, plates, glassware, and even cutlery. With the resurgence of vintage glassware, you should be finding inspired goods o’plenty!

Pro tip: buy your Thanksgiving table settings now

Solid advice: I know not everyone is in the market for new place settings, but, all outdoor place settings are on massive clearance. If you’ve ever wanted to host a large indoor gathering but don’t want your pricier items to break, serve on melamine! Having a set of melamine plates can ensure you don’t use paper plates, cutting your trash usage. Most varieties are dishwasher safe but not microwave, so they are best used for entertaining.

3. Planters

blue front porch decor


Yes, you can 100% use outdoor planters indoors! Many planters come with a round stopper that can be removed (check product photos for the bottom view). You know outdoor planters will be on super sale and you can even get some with a nice shiny finish that resembles ceramic if that fits more nicely into your budget.

Don’t want to use indoors? How about using them for all the fall garden plants?

4. Outdoor pillows

colorful outdoor decor


Another outdoor item that can be successfully used indoors. In fact, I often recommend to my clients with pets and/or small children to get outdoor pillows. They are hard wearing, stain resistant, and yes…comfy!

5. Lanterns and hurricanes

front porch decor

Successfully shopping the Labor Day home decor sales means thinking out of the box and using items “off label”. Outdoor lanterns and hurricanes are year round items, especially if you have a fire pit and regularly gather in colder temps. And if you don’t, investing in a heat lamp can bring some joy to winter gatherings and extend your outdoor season! I watched an episode of Zoe Bakes where her neighbors all brought a dish for out outdoor middle-of-winter gathering to lighten spirits and warm hearts. That can be you! 

Lanterns and hurricanes will be discounted, and they can also give you a leg up on your fall front porch decor.

6. Anything wood or rattan

boho outdoor space

Apartment Therapy | Emily Billings

We live in some amazing times where boho, Scandi, Japandi, MCM, wabi sabi are reigning supreme. Where people are very into bringing the outdoors in. Get anything (even if labeled ‘outdoor’) that is wood or rattan and bring it inside!

7. Powder coated dining chairs

powder coated blue dining chairs

Clever | photo: Christina Wedge

Ever wondered how furniture gets a glorious dose of color, while still being hard wearing? Nope? Ok, well, it’s powder coating. Powder coating is a finish mostly used on outdoor pieces because it wears well and comes in many colors. In fact, I even recommended it to my client today (at the time of writing this) to revamp her industrial metal dining chairs.

But powder coated furniture isn’t just for the outdoors! It can be used indoors for a fun statement.

8. A dining table

blue outdoor dining chairs


Oh look–the dining table is paired with powder coated steel dining chairs:-) This dining + chair combo is glorious and would look just as at home in an indoor setting! Outdoor furniture is truly just a better wearing indoor piece.

9. Summer scents

summer candle scents

There is nothing better than inviting freshness and life back into your home in the middle of winter. Scents are very closely tied to emotion, so choose happy ones! And I don’t know about you, but come January, I’m ditching the seasonal scents and anything with the word “snow” or “cinnamon” in the name and I’m getting tropical! 

Pro tip: Stock up now so you have a drawer of sunshine waiting for you.

I hope this was helpful for your Labor Day home decor sales shopping! I’m happy to help you learn to view your items differently and more creatively, asking yourself if something could be moved or used elsewhere. The answer is almost always, “yes”! 

These items will keep you focused on things you need and will use for possibly decades, so you can happily sort through the Labor Day home decor sales noise and end up with what brings you joy for the foreseeable future:-)

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