Affordable Rental Upgrades

airy modern living room
With these 12 affordable rental upgrades, we can help our rental feel like HOME.

Last week we talked about if you should upgrade your rental with YOUR money. You can read that here. This week, I have 12 affordable rental upgrades for you to consider.

Here’s how I feel about using your own money to upgrade your rental: I think it’s a good idea if you are planning on staying for more than 3 years and if your current apartment features are not indicative of your style. Sure, on the surface, using your own money sounds like a waste. But there are innumerable invisible benefits to reap! 

I believe that decorating your home in a way that actively supports your personal style and lifestyle will have a positive effect on your mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Home is safety. It’s security. It’s comfort. And it’s my job to help my clients (and my lovely online community–I’m lookin’ at you, friend!) realize their highest selves just by being mindful of their surroundings. It’s ancient wisdom. Feng Shui centers around this very wisdom.

12 Affordable Rental Upgrades

Items in this list range from super easy to possibly hiring someone (or teaming up with your landlord). So, if you’re willing, just scroll through this article and see if any ideas make your heart flutter or create a spark of excitement. That’s your body’s wisdom giving you insight into how it wants to live. See, interior design is very much connected to your inner self:-)

Note: some of these featured photos are from rentals, but most aren’t. This was intentional! I firmly believe that a residence doesn’t become a home only when you own it. You deserve an amazing space for you to thrive. Let me show you how to get it if you rent.

1. Swap out the light fixtures

Parisian apartment decor

I was able to switch out 2 main eye sores in my own apartment for under $50. I got a large West Elm drum shade for free from the former tenant and I used hardware store items to hang the shade over the original fixture, turning it into a modern flush mount light. I did the same thing in the kitchen to cover the circline bulb using a large drum shade from Lowe’s that I painted an abstract pattern on. Affordable rental upgrades sometimes require being scrappy.

I actually draw the line in the DIY sand with electrical work. And you should too (in my opinion–which comes from a desire for you to be safe). Old buildings have crazy wiring and you trying to do electrical work could injure yourself as well as the people in your building. Fires happen, very easily in fact. Please never ever ever try to do electrical work yourself unless you’re a skilled professional.

minimalist dining room

Here’s a tip: pick out the light fixtures you want (all affordable and under $150) and and ask your landlord if they will provide the electrician. I would always ask for your landlord’s electrician instead of finding your own. That way if anything happens, the landlord personally knows who did the work. Plus, an electrician already on payroll means they are hopping from property to property “on call” and will charge less than if you tried hiring your own person.

Affordable lighting sources:

2. Update window treatments

neutral bedroom with white curtains

When we first moved into our apartment, there were metal blinds in the bedroom and gray pull down shades with a silver chain in the living room. Functional, yes, but certainly not our style. And certainly not warm, inviting, or able to positively contribute to any ambiance whatsoever.

In my first go at it, I used no sew tape and made my own curtains for the bedroom. But it looked funny because the windows were so small. So then I got custom window treatments. BUT!! You know I’m not spending a lot of money. So for the bedroom, I got custom wooden blinds from Select Blinds in color Linden Wood. With the Black Friday coupon, I ended up getting 2 custom wooden blinds for under $150!!

For the living room, I did a DIY copper pipe curtain rod with West Elm curtain panels I got on clearance for $15/each, and paired them with bamboo shades. I also got these bamboo shades around Black Friday and I think they were from Macy’s for $75 for the pair! 

Point is: you can affordably upgrade your window treatments, even if you’re like me and live in a pre-war building possibly requiring something custom because old sizing is weird. I recommend choosing something that will let in the most light and add great ambiance. Lighting is everything.

Don’t want to spend money? That’s ok. If the window treatments are unseemly, just remove them in the areas where you don’t really need much privacy…like the living room! See how open the space feels below? Window treatments will not be missed.


airy modern living room

3. Paint the walls

Emily Henderson

Fun fact: I painted my bedroom Loyal Blue because Emily Henderson did and I thought it looked cool. For her, yes. For me? HECK TO THE NO. You see, I was very adventurous in my early days of being a bright eyed and bushy tailed New Yorker. I wanted to get on board with the moody aesthetic. But it’s not me. I didn’t even finish painting the bedroom Loyal Blue before switching to another lighter color. I went with Danube and even painted the ceiling–I was all about the YOLO.

Pro tip: your rental is probably painted some form of white. It could feel clinical. Paint helps a lot to transform the space and help it feel warm and homey. Start there and make sure you prime (because I guarantee you that your landlord didn’t and you don’t want to be peeling paint for ages like I did). 

When you ask permission from your landlord to paint, make sure they didn’t use an oil based paint because then you would have to as well in order for it to stick to the walls. #SCIENCE or something.

4. Reface or paint the cabinets

gray kitchen cabinets with white subway tile backsplash

This was my pandemic project because I had already organized all the closets, the pantry, the cabinets, and cleaned the fridge. I didn’t have any power tools so I had to buy the circle saw (I learned later you can rent tools) and a giant board to cut the cabinets on my 7×7 terrace. And because my apartment cabinets are from the 1970s, they are not standard size. So I bought IKEA cabinets to cut to size. I then primed and painted them!

It should be noted that I have Z-E-R-O experience with power tools. But, I was inspired by these awesome DIY ladies: Jess BuildsOne Forty FourHouse of Esperanza, and Eleven Houses. Plus I watched hours of youtube videos by professionals. That part is important. SAFETY FIRST.

5. Install a backsplash

airy bathroom with blue calming wallpaper

I was very very blessed when my clients gifted me the remaining zellige tile from their kitchen project!! I selected my favorite Cle tile for them and ended up getting to use it myself:-) Again, I had zero experience installing tile and this was a little more complicated since I had to place each individual tile. But I did it, very easily in fact, thanks to my good friend Youtube. Truly, you can learn anything for free online and then affordable rental upgrades can be yours! Also–don’t be afraid to go the peel and stick route!

Pro tip: every job, and I mean every job, has leftover tile. Buddy up with a tasker, contractor, or even look online for tile remnants. For a small job, you could certainly get enough tile for pennies on the dollar. 

6. Swap out cabinet knobs

white country vanity

Amber Lewis, the queen herself, charges a pretty penny for her design services and for the furnishings she sells. So when she uses wooden cabinet knobs that cost less than $1/each, you know it’s an intentional design decision that you can feel good about replicating. This is one of the most affordable rental upgrades where the payoff is huge and immediate.

7. Upgrade faucets

HEAR ME OUT. You can get a modern Delta faucet for $100. You can even get one of those little extendable arms with the sprayer. The world can be yours. Just check with your landlord to see if you need to turn off your building’s water for an hour while you install. Otherwise, rut-roh.

8. Upgrade doorknobs

colorful kids bathroom

*But only if your doorknobs aren’t vintage*. We want to respect and adore all historic pieces. Personally, I am not a fan of the hospital style silver door handles that are so prevalent even in newer remodels. I prefer something round and timeless. There are so many places online you can find new or vintage doorknobs that are affordable.

9. Install peel and stick wallpaper

coastal dining room with pastel wallpaper

Thankfully, retailers are understanding how many city dwellers and renters there are and are making affordable rental upgrades that aren’t permanent, possible. Always read reviews though–customers will tell you how installation and removal goes.

10. Add moldings

Parisian style sitting room

This one is tricky and requires a lot of math and patience. And then even more math and patience. Personally, I would never. Details like this make my anxiety explode. BUT! If this style is your jam, especially if you live in an older building, this would be an absolutely beautiful way to get that Parisian apartment.

11. Add shiplap or waiscotting

Adding small architectural details are a great way to really make an apartment feel like a home. The key to an apartment not looking like an apartment is to add touches that look permanent (even if they aren’t). Ask your landlord if you can install this, though. I think it raises the value and style of the apartment with it, but some landlords can be picky.

neutral dining room with wainscotting

This style is super easy! You just install boards every 18 inches. It could be done in an afternoon.

12. Add peel and stick flooring

gray cabinets with blue tile flooring

YES, WAY. Thankfully, my rental is in a 123 year old brownstone and my floors are hardwood with original Art Deco tiles in both the kitchen and bathroom. I KNOW. I’M SO LUCKY. But, if your apartment has those beige giant squares, you can do better (if you want). Peel and stick tile has come a long way; I’ve even seen the tile above available in peel and stick form!

So what do you think? Are you ready to make your rental your own? Let me know in the comments if you have done any of these or which ones you would consider!

As always, thanks so much for being here.

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