26 Pay it Forward Gift Ideas

pay it forward gift ideas

It’s the holiday season and I thought it would be a cool idea to come up with an unconventional gift guide of pay it forward gift ideas. I’ve been seeing so many gift guides all over social media, and I thought I would balance it out with some gift ideas that are intangible but just as lovely. I think it is so important to show love to those within your community through small acts of kindness. Small acts are received as huge gestures and you never know the impact you’re making–which is the magic.

During this season, the main way advertised to us is that we need to show love through gifts. Sure, it’s really awesome to give others presents, but–

sometimes the focus is too much on material goods instead of just goodwill.

So, let’s change it! I’ve come up with pay it forward gift ideas for both those you know as well as complete strangers. We can make others happy through small acts of kindness. Never underestimate the power of giving small. And there are so many different ways to give!

You know the book The 5 Love Languages? The idea behind this book is that everyone has a love language, which is how you feel all warm, fuzzy, and loved. Everyone has a different love language that lets them feel loved and gift giving is only one of the languages.

Here are the 5 love languages:

1. gifts

2. acts of service

3. quality time

4. words of affirmation

5. physical touch

There is more than just one way to show someone you care–even if it’s a stranger! The whole idea behind these pay it forward gift ideas is that you can spread love for free without all the forethought. You can be present, recognize someone’s need, and act with ease. Many of the items on this list are 100% free and allow you to use your creativity and kindness to make life happier for a stranger, friend, or family member.

Let’s bring our attention to how we can do little things every day that help uplift our community. It is such a worthwhile endeavor. Listen to your intuition–oftentimes you will be guided on how to give to someone in the moment.

26 Pay it Forward Gift Ideas

1. leave old toys and books on park benches; put a bow on them and write a nice note

2. make a clothing donation and write encouraging messages to put in the pocket for the next owner to find

3. create a craft night either solo, with friends and/or family, and make cards for nursing homes (extra credit: call the nursing home and get the names of those who live there so you can personalize the cards!)

4. if you have kids, have them make drawings for people in the hospital–even other kids!

5. leave encouraging comments on 5 people’s social media accounts

6. leave a really good review for a small business you’ve shopped and loved

7. buy a gift card for a cashier you see often

8. volunteer to babysit for your friends or family so they can go out

9. give a large tip (as large as what’s comfortable to you) to a young server

10. surprise your friend or family member by dropping off dinner (extra credit: make it their favorite meal)

11. carry an extra water bottle and healthy snack to give a homeless person (I always carry almonds!)

12. help a friend or family member do something they’ve been avoiding (like go to the dentist or organize their closet)

13. randomly text a friend or family member words of encouragement

14. volunteer to walk dogs at the animal shelter

15. donate food and old towels and blankets to the animal shelter

16. let a coworker know how talented and invaluable they are

17. compliment a child you don’t know on their good behavior in a public place (extra credit: also compliment the parent on a job well done)

18. compliment a stranger on something they are wearing and how fantastic they look

19. leave a gas gift card at the pump with a nice note

20. bake a treat for someone with a special diet and include the recipe so they know it’s safe to eat

21. buy an affordable plant and leave it on a park bench with a nice note

22. if traveling, pay the toll for the person behind you

23. leave a box of treats in your mailbox for your mail carrier with their name on it

24. bake treats for the nurses at your local hospital

25. leave a bag of quarters with a nice note at the laundromat or when you’re done with a machine, put quarters in for the next person

26. leave post it notes with words of encouragement on public transportation

I hope these pay it forward gift ideas inspired you to go out and do some good! It’s a great thing to pay it forward and to recruit people you know to do the same. In a season where so much focus is on spending, it’s really about the little things and doing what you can with what you have to make someone else’s day.


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