Colorful Patio Design Using Sale Items

colorful patio design

I took a poll on my instastories, and you all wanted to see another roundup of summer sales! Since March, you’ve probably been spending a lot more time outdoors (since that’s really all you can do, right?). I’ve noticed bigger sales during the pandemic, so you can expect already low prices to be even lower! Let’s trick out your outdoor space with affordable outdoor furniture and decor. Today, here’s a colorful patio design using sale items that are available RIGHT NOW so you can replicate my design:-)

First off, I am the Queen of finding affordable decor. Okay, it’s a self appointed royal position (just like my Dutchess of DIY position). But still, I’m great at it. I love the challenge of finding affordable stuff. I especially love it when I am able to score something unique for a low price. After all, it’s why I got into thrifting! As The Makerista says, it’s the thrill of the hunt! However, I do have some strict criteria for myself and my clients when it comes to shopping sales.

First, price isn’t the only factor! If it’s a good price, but cookie cutter, then it’s a no for me. I am looking for the gems.

So, here is my criteria for filtering out the good stuff (while thrifting or shopping retail):

Is it:

  1. Architectural
  2. Interesting
  3. Of quality

I am looking for clean lines, architectural detail, interesting finishes. I am not looking for the same patio set that everyone has. You know the one…it’s all bulk and no bite. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but we can do better! Curated and special is the name of the game. It’s the only way I choose to design. Layered spaces with tons of texture and detail, make a house a home. The same theory applies to outdoor spaces.

Your exterior is an extension of your interior, which is an extension of you.

I don’t want your space to look like a Pinterest board. If it does, then I have failed you. Again, nothing wrong with Pinterest. But there is definitely a difference between a non-designer creating a space from their dream Pinterest board, and a designer who expertly filters the Pinterest images and translates them into something unique, spectacular, and personal, all the while paying homage to your original inspo image. It’s literally an art form and is a supreme honor to help someone else live better.

There is so much that goes into great design! That’s what I aim to teach you because I believe I can help you have a better home and life:-) You want someone to be able to identify your space as yours. For example, my home literally screams of ‘me’ in ever single inch. Klein blue is my favorite color and it’s peppered throughout our apartment in ever single room. I love plants, crystals, dried lavender, vintage furniture, abstract art, textile design, DIY projects. All of these are all over the place in my space.

I also like adding humor to my home. I want you to come in and be like, “yeah, these are my kind of people.” That means showing our personality and that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. For 7 years the art in my bathroom has been a Picasso line drawing of a butt. I would call it my “bathroom fart”. Get it? Bathroom (f)ART. No one, and I mean no one, could replicate my space. Ever. And that’s the goal! You know the saying, “to each their own?” Now, just apply that to your interiors…and in this case, exteriors as well!

Colorful Patio Design Using Sale Items

So, let’s get to it! Would you believe I started out these 3 designs as neutrals. LOL. I knew it wouldn’t last–although, I do consider yellow a neutral:-) For this colorful patio design, I’ve mixed medium and low price points to get an expensive looking eclectic space that still doesn’t break the bank. Looky looky!

colorful patio design

Items Used

sofa  |  navy pillow  |  yellow pillow  | woven pillow  |  lumbar pillow  |  rug  | coffee table  |  foot stools  |  dining table  | decorative bowl  |  side chairs  |  side table  |  dining chairs


PRO TIP: you can ABSOLUTELY use outdoor furniture indoors!!! I even wrote a post about it. I also wrote a post about where I use my outdoor rugs inside my home. So, even if you’re not the owner of a patio space, you can still take advantage of these great deals.

In my interior designs, I often choose outdoor textiles for spaces with kids. Why? Because they hold up like no other! Outdoor fabrics aren’t going to be rough, either. They will fit seamlessly into any indoor space, while also holding up impeccably, not experiencing color fade, and not staining. It’s really the best of both worlds–indoor and out!

Stay tuned for more roundups and designs from me with these end of summer sales! It’s like you have a free interior designer in your pocket, right? Hopefully this was helpful and inspires you to treat yo’self!


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