16 Affordable Home Office Furniture Pairings


Hello! How are you hunkering down? Are you hanging in there? Let’s face it, with the COVID-19 crisis, the world is a mess. People are having to adapt quickly to completely different routines all while having everyone in their space. You might find yourself suddenly working remotely, but without a proper work space other than the corner of the couch next to your toddler who is getting crumbs everywhere. Let’s fix that. Today, I’ve put together 16 affordable home office furniture pairings that are happy and bright, but also can work double duty after this crisis is over.

If you can’t change your circumstance, changing your environment is just as good.

 I intentionally designed these affordable home office furniture pairings to be HAPPY. They are a creative breath of fresh air and will not only meet your needs, but elevate your spirit. Since we are stuck indoors for the foreseeable future, a change in atmosphere will be extremely beneficial. Do things during this time that will support your well being.

16 Affordable Home Office Furniture Pairings ( desk + chair)

Here’s the beauty of these pairings: they don’t have to serve as office furniture for the rest of time. I purposely chose desks (with the exception of #1) that could double as other things like leaning bookcases and console tables. I chose chairs that are just as happy accented in a corner as they are at a desk or dining table. This time that we are in won’t last forever, so it’s important to address and meet your needs now without wasting money and space on something you won’t even need in 6 months.

This roundup of affordable home office furniture is beautiful and special. I would use any one of these for myself or a client (I did buy desk #15 and currently have chair #15 in my cart). The response to me deciding on which desk to get was overwhelming on my Instastories, which really solidified that we are all in this together and everyone is now looking for the same thing, but very quickly.

You don’t have time to decide on anything other than your basic needs, so I wanted to curate some designer-approved options that you can just click and buy (this isn’t sponsored, nor are these affiliate links). In this time, I want to give you well designed affordable home office furniture that will meet your needs but also feel special. Because you deserve it! Now, let’s see what I came up with!


  1. Desk | chair
  2. Desk | chair
  3. Desk | chair
  4. Desk | chair
  5. Desk | chair
  6. Desk | chair
  7. Desk | chair
  8. Desk | chair
  9. Desk | chair
  10. Desk | chair
  11. Desk | chair
  12. Desk | chair
  13. Desk | chair
  14. Desk | chair
  15. Desk | chair (if you watched my Instastories, you saw me buy this desk!)
  16. Desk | chair

Some of these chairs come in pairs, so you can even have a meeting place in your home office in case someone comes by and you absolutely have to take a meeting (at a 6 foot distance, observing protocol, of course). You could also use that extra chair to entertain your child. They could park themselves at your desk with their ipad, drawing pad, etc and it can be “quiet time” for everyone.

At the very least, during this stressful time, you can use the second chair for the head dining chair, because you are a QUEEN (or king) and you are absolutely killin’ it with your resilience. So, go you! Claim that throne as your own, babe. Keep on keepin’ on.

I hope you were able to find something in this list of affordable home office furniture. Something that speaks to your style, but also let’s you be that boss babe who can weather any storm–from your command center at home! One thing that makes me so SO happy is seeing all the SALES. Companies could just have easily chose to price gouge, but instead, they are meeting the needs of the masses by reducing prices.

I will say, you do need to still be safe. Make sure all delivery people maintain a distance of at least 6 feet, thoroughly sanitize all boxes that come into your home, or better yet, empty the box before bringing it in! Make sure you wash your hands after handling the box and follow all instructions from reputable health sources (like the World Health Organization). We can get through this together, while also still moving forward as a society and making a difference. Grow where you are planted.

PS: I ordered my desk from Overstock, and it was shipped within 3 days; so I feel confident that you’ll get your order in a timely fashion!

Stay safe. Stay sane. Stay 6 feet away:-)



Some other things to keep you company:




Kristen Dwyer: