Benefits of Using CBD Skincare

CBD skincare
Chances are, you're familiar with CBD oil. People take it internally to help with things like anxiety and pain. But, did you know there are also benefits to using CBD topically? Today, we're going to dig into CBD skincare and discuss its benefits. Get ready!

Chances are, you’re familiar with CBD oil. People take it internally to help with things like anxiety and pain. But, did you know there are also benefits to using CBD topically? Today, we’re going to dig into CBD skincare and discuss its benefits. Get ready!

What is CBD?

First off, let’s define CBD, shall we? CBD is short for cannabidiol. It comes from the cannabis plant, but it is not psychoactive like marijuana. Sure, you can certainly buy varieties of CBD oil that contain THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid) if that’s what you want, but there are just as many options (if not more!) that are free of any compound that will produce mind altering effects. Whew!

If you’re like me and don’t want to experience anything even remotely close to a “high”, you can still benefit from the calming effects and pain relief of CBD without feeling a little fuzzy. So no worries there; you’ve got plenty of great product options.

Made by Hemp has some really great in depth information regarding CBD and they do a bang up job explaining the difference between CBD oil, hemp oil, hemp extract, THC and the other confusing lingo you might find on bottles. This will really help you narrow down what exactly will suit your needs the best. The more you know!

CBD Skincare

CBD skincare

Now, the benefits of CBD oil aren’t all “hoaxy”; they are backed by science. So this is a very promising natural solution for many, many ailments. It’s also super versatile. CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant, and then diluted with a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. If you use essential oils in your DIY skincare, you know all about carrier oils.

Which brings me to my next point…CBD is a fantastic ingredient to use in your skincare routine! You might have already known this, but I am very into natural beauty products. I make most of my own skincare and my skin has never felt or looked healthier.

Whatever you put on your skin gets absorbed into your blood stream, so choose carefully, friends. Today, we are focusing on CBD skincare, specifically, so you can understand what a powerhouse ingredient this is for your mind and also your body.

Benefits of Using CBD Skincare

CBD skincare

1. Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation has been the buzzword for a while now, and rightfully so! It is responsible for so many ailments of the body. Whether it be breakouts or tummy issues, inflammation can play a large role. People who don’t have an intolerance to gluten are adopting gluten free diets because of, you guessed it, reduced inflammation.

For skin, reduced inflammation can help with breakouts, redness, dryness, eye puffiness, and more.  CBD has a wonderfully calming effect on the skin that results in a clearer, more hydrated and healthy complexion. Sign us up!

Here’s the full study.

2. Anti-Aging 

Because CBD has antioxidant properties, it can successfully combat aging of the skin. For a long time, Vitamins C & E were thought to be the most powerful antioxidants, but according to Nordic Oil, CBD could actually be better. Because of these strong antioxidants, not only will CBD aid in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, but it will also protect against future damage.

3. Fights Free Radials

Antioxidants help prevent us from free radical damage. What are free radicals? That’s a loaded question. Without getting to science-y, free radicals are produced when oxygen splits into a single atom with unpaired electrons. Oxygen doesn’t like to be stressed, and electrons like to be coupled so this causes damage in the body. Live Science likes to think of free radicals as the waste products from different chemical processes that build up and cause damage to cells. Oh, wonderful.

So, CBD basically calms everyone down and prevents free radicals from causing damage. That’s oversimplified, but you get the point. Free radicals=bad. CBD=good.

4. Reduces Oil Production

Not all oil is bad! Even the sebum on your face can be great for protecting against wrinkles. But, too much of it can be annoying. Overactive sebaceous glands often lead to enlarged pores, clogged pores, breakouts, and your makeup sliding off your face. No bueno.

CBD, because it is an anti-inflammatory, does a great job of slowing down this process, resulting in a glowy complexion that is anything but greasy. With less oil being produced, you have the chance to clear out those pores and heal your skin.

5. Fights Dryness (even eczema!)

If you suffer from dryness, even in the forms of eczema and psoriasis, you know that fatty acids are your best friend. Lucky for you, CBD contains fatty acids such as omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9. Because of this nutrient profile, CBD also works wonders on your hair and scalp.

Okay…But is CBD Skincare Safe?

CBD skincare

According to Dermstore, zero studies have shown CBD to cause irritation, even to sensitive skin. Research shows that CBD skincare is safe to use and has no side effects. However, CBD is not regulated by the FDA, so just like investigating Amazon vendors, you’re going to want to do some research.

It’s important to know the concentration of CBD in your skincare, where and how it is sourced, and to understand what the labels mean. Basically, if you’re into organic and clean eating, you want to read your beauty product labels like your food labels. Then you’re good to go!

CBD Skincare Products

A quick note to aid your CBD skincare search: when browsing products, you might be introduced to hemp oil and hemp seed oil. These are not the same thing. True hemp oil contains CBD; not to be confused with hemp seed oil which you can get at the grocery store and is CBD free. Like I said above, hemp seed oil is a great carrier oil for your CBD, but does not contain any CBD itself.

I recommend checking out the CBD skincare offerings at Sephora and Made by Hemp to get you started. If you are interested in using CBD skincare, you might also want to check out the other forms of CBD that can benefit you (because there are a lot).

I hope you found this post helpful. The verbiage can be a little confusing when you’re trying to hunt for something specific, so hopefully this clarified some terminology. It’s always a great idea to be informed when trying something new, and now you’re prepared! So, here’s to the latest addition to your natural skincare routine!


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