Categories: ROUNDUP

Monochromatic Rooms that aren’t Boring

via House Beautiful

MONOCHROME! What comes to mind when you think about monochromatic rooms? Do you think they will either be white, boring, and asylum-esque or do you think they will be a wild color and therefore feel like you’re staring at Willy Wonka’s cavernous bedroom? Well, let’s meet in the middle and I’ll show you some beautiful monochromatic rooms that aren’t boring or too crazy.

via House Beautiful  //  via House Beautiful

Ahhhh, the modern neutral. The lack of color is nothing to be afraid of if you are willing to incorporate lots of texture. Texture is the key to adding coziness and interest. You might be surprised to find out that a monochromatic room doesn’t have to be just alllll one color. Monochromatic rooms that aren’t boring have secondary shades just like the neutral bedrooms above. These rooms have black and brow shades and pops of yellow but are still monochrome because they are mostly the same shade: white.

via Architectural Digest  //  via Architectural Digest

via My Domaine

Let’s talk monochrome colors. Take blue for example, you can have a room with 50 different shades of blue (or gray, hehe), and it will still be monochrome. Monochrome is just a single color, but you can have different shades and tones of that color. See the blue room above? So many different shades.

via Architectural Digest

I am split on all white kitchens. I think I am a little biased because of my aversion to marble countertops. At its heart, a white kitchen is super clean, crisp, bright, and friendly. So, I think I could get on board if I added some wide wood planks or cement tile flooring.

via Apartment Therapy

So, what do you think? How great are these monochromatic rooms that aren’t boring? Do you have a monochromatic space in your home? Our bedroom will be monochrome for a few weeks longer until I paint. We have different shades of blue in the bedroom and it’s one of my favorite rooms. A monochromatic room isn’t boring, and can feel really fresh and unique.



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