emerald green dining area

Emerald Green Dining Area

Would you come over if my dining room looked like this? Thought so. I would make you lots of good food and we could talk for hours because this space is just so elegant and warm. It’s definitely a room you wouldn’t leave. You know, BECAUSE OF THE SPECIALNESS.

Fun fact: did you know that colors can also be neutrals?

I kid you not! This room, although showing off some serious emerald dreams, is still neutral.

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create home color palettes

Create Home Color Palettes (for free)

So today I have a surprise for youuuu. I want to introduce you to a site called Coolors. I use Coolors for pretty much everything. I have used it to decide on colors for my business cards, branding, website, individual blog posts, paint pairings, furniture color palettes, you name it. It is AWESOME and FREEEEEEE.

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eclectic colorful living room

$1k Room: Eclectic Colorful Living Room

Thanks for stopping by for my 3rd installment of the $1k room challenge. If you missed the first two, you can check them out here and here. I chose to share rooms that are very different styles, so that I can convince you that your dream room is literally only $1,000 away. I really have a passion for affordable design; heck, my first apartment in NYC was furnished with basically all IKEA and Target! My current upper west side apartment is still furnished affordably, but more creatively.

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modern blue rustic kitchen

Modern Blue Rustic Kitchen

I love this kitchen so, so, so much. It really makes me wish I was a person who owned instead of rented so that I, too, could be a cool girl with a cool kitchen. Alas, I have to live vicariously through others, and that’s cool too. (Except for it’s not.)

When I think of a cool girl, I think of someone who doesn’t sweat the small stuff, who is effortlessly fashionable all the time, and who just knows how to casually be SO COOL. This is her story, I mean kitchen.

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navy blue boy's bedroom

Orange and Navy Blue Boy’s Bedroom

This room design was inspired by this awesome faux wood wallpaper from Blik. Blik is one of my favorite sources for wall murals and wall coverings when you need something fun and unexpected, even artsy (their Keith Haring wallcoverings are THE BEST). So this worked out great. The faux wood wall tile makes me feel like I am in a tree house. It’s magical.

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modern blue living room

$1k Room: Modern Blue Living Room

I’m just going to say it: this was HARD. Lately, I haven’t had to focus on budgetary restraints as much as I would normally. This has its advantages: it’s very, very freeing. I loved picking out beautiful things that are literally from my dreams. As you would imagine, it is pretty fun to shop on that side of the scale for a while. I couldn’t get enough. It’s like once you dip your toe in, you love it so much you just run and cannonball into the wealth pool and float around on a giant inflatable swan.

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modern farmhouse living room

$1k Room: Modern Farmhouse Living Room

Welcome to my first installment of the $1k room challenge. This will be a series of 3 designs, but I will probably be adding more to that as clients request. I will show you 3 of my most recent designs that cost $1,000 or less to FULLY furnish. My goal with this series is to prove to you that a great design is attainable. You can have it! And it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg.

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anthropologie DIY curtain rod

DIY Anthropologie Curtain Rod

Hi, friend! Today I have for you a super great DIY. I’m showing you how to create this DIY Anthropologie curtain rod so that you can get the look for less. Woop woop!

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