PLASTIC FREE Cleaning Products I Love

plastic free cleaning products
I've switched to plastic free cleaning products over the last few years and I will never go back! Here's my roundup of every product I love.

I started my search for plastic free cleaning products out of necessity. It was early in the pandemic when we were all sanitizing and cleaning everything. Stores couldn’t keep cleaning supplies in stock so I had to look for alternatives. I started with plastic free cleaning products and that expanded to plastic free face and body products and now I have successfully eliminated 90%+ of my household plastic use!!

The key is to reimagine your routine. I recommend starting with plastic free cleaning products. There are *so* many great alternatives that are also more affordable and have space saving benefits. Today, I’m sharing all the plastic free cleaning products I love. I hope this helps jump start your plastic free journey!

PS: I had planned on including all plastic free face, body, and hair care products I use as well, but this post was getting a little too long and might be overwhelming. So first try the cleaning products, and I’ll have a second post later that will include all plastic free face, body, and hair care products I use!

Importance of reducing plastic use

Did you know that only a small percentage of what is put in your recycling bin even gets recycled? There are so many different plastics out there and most cities don’t have the infrastructure to support sorting through all of it and properly recycling. Aside from that, many plastics in the bin are contaminated (usually with food), making the entire bin unable to be recycled. That yogurt container you threw in the bin with a little yogurt left even after the rinse out? Well, that contaminates the entire load and it now it must be incinerated instead of recycled. 

What’s the solution? We can start with reducing our plastic use. My stance is that if we all just do the best we can, learn the information here and there when we can, then we can collectively make a very substantial impact. 

With this list of plastic free cleaning products, I have done the research and product testing for you! All you need to do, dear friend, is make the switch. You can do it!

Plastic Free Cleaning Products I Use

plastic free cleaning products

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General Cleaning

cleaning starter kit (includes glass cleaning tabs, multi purpose cleaning tabs, bathroom cleaning tabs, and coordinating bottles)

microfiber cleaning cloths (use instead of paper towels; clean in laundry)

hand washing starter kit (comes with 2 soap dispensers and soap tabs–my favorite scent is Iris Agave)

toilet cleaning starter kit

microfiber spray mop (good replacement for Swiffer!)

floor cleaning concentrate (mix with water and use in spray mop)



hand soap (I LOVE their seasonal scents!)

toilet tabs

glass cleaner

multi purpose cleaner

bathroom cleaner


Notes: these come in tab form and all you do is add water! I had also purchased this just so I could get the huge metal storage tin with which I store all refill tabs above! Usually, I avoid anything “foaming” as it can be drying; but I don’t find that is the case with the hand soap.

Dish Washing

starter kit (includes dishwasher tabs and storage tin)

starter kit (includes dishwashing liquid and glass pump); there is also a dish liquid with its own pump but I have no tried that yet


dishwasher tabs

dishwashing liquid 

Note: I had tried Blueland’s dishwashing powder, but it left a hard to rinse residue. I also derive much joy smelling a lavender scented dishwashing liquid so this is the best choice for me. It’s aromatherapy!


basic starter kit (includes laundry tabs and storage tin)

XL starter kit (includes laundry tabs and storage tin, oxi booster and storage tin, wool dryer balls)

-oxi booster starter kit


detergent tabs (unscented)

oxi booster (I only use this sometimes, mostly in summer when workout clothes are extra pungent)

Note: add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (I use lavender and lemon) to the wool dryer balls for a natural scent! Dryer balls help your laundry dry faster which saves energy. And if you have a winter puffer coat, the wool balls fluff it up!

Bonus: Tree-Free Paper Products

tree free tissues

These are made from bamboo which has an insanely fast regrowth rate compared to trees, making it much more sustainable while protecting our forests. I did notice the bamboo paper towels shed a tiny bit when cleaning glass, so a microfiber cloth would be best for that.

toilet paper

paper towels

facial tissues (I tried Grove’s tissues but they have packaging issues resulting in torn tissues. So while cheaper, they weren’t usable)

I hope you got something out of this post and that I made it easier for you to make the switch. I have tried all Blueland products on this list for years and have been using Grove products in the last 6 or so months. I am very happy with all these plastic free cleaning products, but feel free to comment with any questions you might have! And thanks for considering helping reduce the plastic on our planet. You rock:-)

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