19 Affordable Modern Abstract Landscapes

affordable modern abstract landscapes
New year, new you? NOPE. New year, new art! Resolutions are silly and shame-based most of the time, so let's just skip them this year and instead make a change that will make you feel better immediately.

Juniper Print Shop

New year, new you? NOPE. New year, new art! Resolutions are silly and shame-based most of the time, so let’s just skip them this year and instead make a change that will make you feel better immediately. Sound good? Today, I’ve rounded up affordable modern abstract landscapes. These prints will sure to elevate your space and and mood.

I am 3 days in to writing this post and it is getting too long, so I am now splitting it up into 3 categories and coordinating posts: landscapes, neutrals, colorful. I found myself not including all I wanted to for the sake of it not being a million words. But, then what’s the point in a roundup if I’m not showing you all that I’m choosing?

19 Affordable Modern Abstract Landscapes

Today will be the first in the series and will be the landscape category. Ugh….landscapes?! Was that your reaction? It used to be mine too. Then I really got into thrifting and bringing in some decor pieces that have a very familiar feel.

I’ve said over and over again that your design must feel good, and adding a landscape does just that. You know how if you’re depressed or anxious, you’re supposed to get out in nature? The same applies to your interiors! The more natural elements you add, the happier you will feel in your home.

So, before you scoff at landscapes, let me tell you…these ain’t ya mama’s landscapes; these are cool and colorful landscapes. Landscapes will literally fit any decor style, so maybe try this style in the new year?

1. German City BR by Paul Klee

affordable modern abstract landscapes


2. Summer Heat by Peter Graham

affordable modern abstract landscapes



3. On the Shore by Peter Graham

affordable modern abstract landscapes



4. Houses on a Hill, 1909 Wassily Kandinsky

affordable modern abstract landscapes



5. Boulevard De La Plage by Peter Graham

affordable modern abstract landscapes



6. Wheatfield by Pierre-Auguste Renior

affordable modern abstract landscapes



7. Les Alpilles by Van Gogh

affordable modern abstract landscapes



8. Wheatfield and Mountains by Van Gogh

affordable modern abstract landscapes



9. Black Mesa Landscape by Georgia O’Keeffe

affordable modern abstract landscapes



10. Apple Tree by Gustav Klimt

affordable modern abstract landscapes



11. Salt Flats by Annie Blake

affordable modern abstract landscapes



12. Lowland by LaurieAnne Gonzalez

affordable modern abstract landscapes



13. Botanical II by Katherine George 

affordable modern abstract landscapes

*not technically a landscape, but still nature



14. Gosling Island by Sandra Maderia Day 

affordable modern abstract landscapes



15. Montauk by LaurieAnne Gonzalez

affordable modern abstract landscapes



16. Trees and Undergrowth by Van Gogh

affordable modern abstract landscapes



17. Hot Summer’s Day by Gerry Baptist

affordable modern abstract landscapes



18. The Vineyard by Gerry Baptist

affordable modern abstract landscapes



19. Farm Near the Hills by Gerry Baptist

affordable modern abstract landscapes



So, how did I do? Out of these 19 affordable modern abstract landscapes, do you have a favorite? Did the colorful choices surprise you or GASP, convert you? I would love to know where you stand on landscapes.

Stay tuned! Next post will be NEUTRALS.


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