DIY Natural Fabric Refresher Spray

If you’re like me, your sofa gets A LOT of use. I am kind of OCD about the cleanliness of fabric. Carpet grosses me out because of all the accumulated germs. Sure, you can vacuum to your hearts content, but you need something to disinfect. I would prefer that something to not be laden with toxic chemicals and be safe to inhale (so, not commercial fabric sprays from the store). With just 3 ingredients, my DIY natural fabric refresher spray will leave your fabric and carpet clean and smelling fresh.

Think about the textiles in your home. Your sofa, chairs, pillows, throw blankets, rugs, and carpet can absorb scents, but also germs. Maybe I’m extra sensitive to home cleanliness because I know every square inch of NYC sidewalks are covered in dog pee. I shudder at the germs I bring into my home from city life. Not to mention that living in NYC means that every room has many functions. My sofa, for example, serves as our dining area and part of my home office. It’s also sandwiched between my elliptical machine and yoga area. Needless to say, the sofa sees a lot of action. Action equals smells and germs. So, let’s take care of that, shall we?

This DIY natural fabric refresher spray is made of distilled water, essential oil, and baking soda. That’s it! It’s safe, effective, and you can customize the scent to your liking. So many essential oils are antibacterial and antimicrobial, so you have free rein. I chose lavender essential oil but other antibacterial essential oils you can use are thyme, palmarosa, oregano, clove, lemon, and clary sage. You can create your own blend or just stick with one, like I did.

This is a super great alternative to commercial cleaners because it’s chemical free, affordable, and actually lasts. I sprayed all the soft surfaces in my home and there was still a lovely lavender scent 6 hours later. In fact, my fiance walked into the apartment an immediately said, “What have I walked in to?” haha. He said it smelled great and couldn’t figure out what it was. It basically smells like happiness.

Notes: Before using this blend, test it on a small patch of fabric to make sure it is suitable. I sprayed it on linen, canvas, velvet, and rugs and it was fine. But you should test yours just in case. It’s also important to note that you should really make sure all the baking soda is mixed in or it will clog your spray nozzle (this happened to me the first time I made it). The baking soda in the spray can leave some white residue if it gets on other surfaces so aim correctly. Also, due to the essential oils, if you accidentally spray it on smooth surfaces like tile or wood, it will be slippery. It’s an oil, after all, so make sure it is only on the designated textiles.

DIY Natural Fabric Refresher Spray


  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 50 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1/4 cup baking soda


  • I always save my empty spray bottles, so reuse yours too! Using a funnel, pour baking soda into the spray bottle, then add water and essential oils and shake vigorously. Make sure the baking soda is all incorporated or it will clog your nozzle.
  • Lightly spray on fabrics, carpets, rugs, and any textile that needs a refresh (even clothes). Let dry for about 20 minutes and enjoy the freshness!





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