Why Morning Meditation is so Beneficial

why morning meditation is so beneficial

Everyday, I start my morning with a 10-15 minute meditation via my Headspace app. On days when I’m just wanting to “get on with it”, I do a 5 minute meditation. It kind of goes against the saying by Sukhraj S. Dhillon, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” But the whole point is not necessarily that you sit forever, but that you show up, even if it’s just for a little bit. You can meditate at any time in your day, but today I’m going to tell you why morning meditation is so beneficial.

Why Morning Meditation is so Beneficial

1. Cortisol levels are highest in the AM

Firstly, when you wake up, your cortisol levels are highest. Cortisol is your stress hormone and it’s what gives you the urge to get up in the morning and do something. Fight this urge. It’s much more beneficial to start your day mindfully and not already feeling like you are running around. Have you read about the negative psychological effects of hitting the snooze button over and over? Hitting snooze repeatedly tells your mind that you are failing your first task of the day. The very first thing you were charged with doing (getting up with your alarm) has failed and already gives you a negative mindset and the feeling that you must play catch up. The same applies here.

When you start your day and are immediately in productivity mode, you might think this is a great thing! This is misguided. You are a human BEING not a human DOING. The first thoughts and actions of your day should be in the realm of self care, not what you are able to accomplish outwardly. Starting your day without a pause will allow your day to continue with those cortisol levels, resulting in stress. You need to set the tone for your day. YOU be the one to let your body know it can relax and you will have a great day. Instead of cortisol, you will be left with a tangible feeling of clarity and ease.

2. You will get an energy boost

When you meditate, your parasympathetic nervous system is activated, triggering a deep state of relaxation. After your meditation, you will get a rush of endorphins, giving you a natural boost of energy sans coffee. This is one of the many reasons why morning meditation is so beneficial; it enables your body to work most efficiently all on its own!

3. Workouts are more productive

When you’re rested and not stressed, your workouts will be more productive. Stress depletes your energy stores so if you can combat that as early as you can, you’re setting yourself up for more success. For men, specifically, meditation causes your testosterone levels to increase, resulting in bigger muscles and more energy during your workout. Score!

4. You eat better

Have you ever noticed that when you are tired or stressed, junk food is so much more appealing? Your body is depleted and is looking for a stimuli to stay awake and wants a short lived rush of endorphins. By meditating in the morning, you are mindful about everything you do, including what you put in your body. Healthy choices will be easier to make because you will be aware that this is a good choice and one that will help you go about your day more effectively. You are not making choices from a depleted or less than mindset.

5. Helps combat negative self talk

Personally, this is why morning meditation is so beneficial to me. When you meditate in the morning, you are better able to filter your external and internal “noise” throughout the day. This includes negative self talk as well as external stimuli like a coworker with snarky remarks. By meditating, you train your mind to think more clearly and accurately, so you are better able to ignore the things you shouldn’t be thinking about, like self doubt.

6. Improved focus and productivity

By meditating, we are training our minds to focus on the task at hand, and are slowing learning how to increase our immunity to distractions. Our minds are constantly evaluating everything, from our current surroundings to that off hand remark a friend made last night. It is constantly trying to find danger or a threat that doesn’t exist so that it can be prepared. This was wonderful when we needed it for survival, but our lives are much different now. We don’t have to worry about being chased by a mammoth. We can focus on the task at hand and therefore be more productive if we learn how to filter the noise that is around us. Tasks will take us less time and will be completed with more clarity and creativity. We will bring our best selves to everything we do because we unburdened our minds in the AM.

7. You will tap into your inner peace

Did you know that inside all of us is a space that is untouched by the world? A space that is your truest being, your inner self. With all the spam the world is throwing at us constantly, it can be very difficult to bring ourselves back to that place of awareness. By purposefully silencing the mind through morning meditation, you are tapping into that very special place of peace. Even better, the more you tap into that place, the easier it will be to continue to reach that place of calm throughout your day when things get chaotic. You are practicing being fully you. When we are fully our truest selves, things external to us no longer have as tight a grip on our mind. We are secure in our being and can bring this awareness to all of our tasks. Isn’t that cool?

why morning meditation is so beneficial

This is why morning meditation is so beneficial. It literally sets you up to be your best throughout the day. My morning meditation is on average 10-15 minutes. I sit on the couch, cross legged, arms resting on my legs with my palms up, and I listen to 2 Headspace meditations while focusing on my breathing. I purchased the yearly subscription to Headspace, but it isn’t necessary to start a meditation routine.

Check out yesterday’s post on How to Start Meditating with Ease to learn how to start a meditation routine today! Enjoy!



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