Colorful Picnic Decor

yellow gingham picnic blanket and picnic accessories
We want to create a special ambiance so I designed a picnic for you with colorful picnic decor.

I love picnics. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I would eat all my meals outside on a blanket if I could. Many of you know, I live 1 avenue from Central Park, so I am there almost everyday. On the weekends, I love seeing all the families and friends gathering for someone’s special day or just because. It’s wonderful and I want that for you! So today, I have designed my ideal picnic for you and equipped it with shopable colorful picnic decor. It’s my summer gift to you. Enjoy!

Colorful Picnic Decor

What we’re going for here is warm and bright. I wanted to give you a super inviting space with fun colors and patterns. Every piece is functional and beautiful so you can create a really special day for you and your people (or just yourself!!).

yellow gingham picnic blanket and picnic accessories

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